When the solar Feed in Tariff rates are quoted, there is often a single figure given, such as 14.38 p/kWh. But if you’ve found the full solar Feed in Tariff rates table, you’ll have seen several rates depending on the size of the installation and further divided into higher, middle and lower rate tariffs. The single ‘headline’ rate that is most often quoted is the Higher Rate tariff for installations of 4kW and below and is the rate that applies to most domestic installs. So, what do ‘higher’, ‘middle’, and ‘lower’ rates mean and when do they apply?
Solar PV Higher Rate
The higher rate tariff applies to single installations where the Energy Efficiency Requirement is met. The Energy Efficiency Requirement applies to PV installations with eligibility dates on or after 1 April 2012. PV installations are eligible for the higher rate tariff if they can provide a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) at the time of application for the Feed in Tariff scheme, showing a rating of level D or above for the property to which the solar panels are attached or wired to provide electricity.
Solar PV Middle Rate
The middle rate tariff is a multi-installation tariff and applies in circumstances where the FIT generator or nominated recipient already owns or receives FIT payments
from 25 or more other eligible solar PV installations. Assuming the Energy Efficiency Requirement is applicable, it must still be met. Otherwise the lower rate would apply.
Solar PV Lower Rate
The lower rate tariff applies when the Energy Efficiency Requirement is not met.