Climate Change

Budget 2014: Has The Government Abandoned Green Business?

Has Budget 2014 seen the government continue the abandonment of its green credentials and bow to the simplistic message pushed by polluting industries? Probably the key budget announcement affecting green business was a freezing of the carbon price floor. The carbon … Continue reading

VIDEO: Watch Years of Decline in Older Arctic Sea Ice

This video from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows a progressive and worrying decline in older, more established ice in the Arctic. Continue reading

UK Renewable Electricity Generation Grows Nearly Fourfold in Decade

From 2002 to 2012, UK electricity generated from renewable sources has grown nearly fourfold with that growth accelerating in the last 2 years. Continue reading

What Are These Green Levies? And What Are Their Impact On Your Energy Bills?

Energy prices seem never to be out of the news these last few weeks and there is a lot of talk about “green levies”. So, what environmental costs are part of our bills and what are their effects? Continue reading

Household Consumption and the Emissions We Generate

The European Environment Agency has released a report studying “Environmental pressures from European consumption and production”. At 124 pages of “environmentally extended input-output analysis”, it isn’t exactly casual reading for your next beach holiday. They have, however, some quite interesting … Continue reading

Is Global Warming Making Our Weather Wetter?

Guest author, Terry Piece, gives us his thoughts on recent weather conditions in the UK and the connection with greenhouse gas emissions, global warming and climate change. Continue reading

Climate Scientists are Understating the Effects of Global Warming

A recent study, published in Global Environmental Change, is telling us that climate scientists have been understating the effects of global temperature increases. They call it ‘Erring on the side of least drama’, and its a far cry from the ‘alarmism’ they are sometimes accused of. Continue reading